Spiritual Renewal Mastery Point

Looking for a quick and relatively easy Mastery Point for The Icebrood Saga?  If you've completed Jormag Rising (the 4th episode of The Icebrood Saga), then this one will be ready for you to do.  My guess is that this will take about 10 to 15 minutes tops, depending on what you have available.  Without any more delay, let's get started!

The start of Spiritual Renewal

First and foremost, you will need to visit the NPC that kickstarts this entire achievement.  There are a total of 8 steps until completion.  You will also need to do them in order.

NOTE: I'll be using Eye of the North as EotN for easier typing/reading.

The red arrow indicating where Owl Shaman Garon should be in EotN

Speak with Owl Shaman Garon in EotN - I didn't realize I had completed this initial step until I got around to making this guide.  I placed red arrows to show you where a Norn NPC should be standing - EotN Waypoint [&BAkMAAA=]

From top-to-bottom/left-to-right: Garon NPC from the front of the lodge | perspective from Garon's PoV of the lodge | top of the lodge with the Owl spirit | map of Garon and Owl spirit

Next up is heading over to Snowden Drifts - Owl Waypoint [&BMEAAAA=].  From the waypoint, you will want to circle around the front, towards the short cliff on the back.  You will see the NPC icon on the map.  Speaking to Garon, you will receive a bundle that needs to be delivered to the Owl Spirit on top of the old Owl Lodge.  If you have a mount, mounting up and reaching this point is pretty easy.  If not, the old ways work just as well.  Approach the spirit and leave the offering when prompted.

Garon NPC | Map location | Target enemy

Head on over to Lornar's Pass, via Thunderhorns Waypoint [&BOsAAAA=] or Pinnacle Enclave Waypoint [&BJgBAAA=].  You will be heading towards the area named Chillwing Perch, located on the northeastern part of the map.  In that area, you are looking for the Lost Owl Shrine [&BEAGAAA=].  If you know where the Hero Point is in the area, you can find the NPC just south of it, as shown here.  Garon will ask for you to banish the hostile creatures in the area.  Follow the ramp down, towards the shrine POI.  A veteran enemy will show up.  Killing it completes this step.

Garon NPC | Map location | NPCs that need to talk

Next up is visiting Hoelbrak, starting at the Legends Waypoint [&BIwDAAA=]. Run south and a little east from here, into the Lost Spirits' Hallow [&BIADAAA=].  Upon talking the Garon, you will be instructed to speak with the other NPCs in this immediate vicinity.  After doing so, speak with Garon once again to complete this step.

From top-to-bottom/left-to-right: Entrance to Cragstead | Map of Cragstead entrance | Garon NPC | location of all 10 NPCs to speak to

Garon sends you to his home in Cragstead, located in Wayfarer Foothills.  Start off by going to Dolyak Pass Waypoint [&BHsBAAA=] and head up towards the part where you are asked to enter the Cragstead instance.  Dead ahead will be Garon once you're inside the instance.  Once you talk to him, you will need to speak to 10 NPCs total.  Luckily, once you've spoken to the last NPC, the step is marked complete.

Garon NPC | Map location of Icebrood | Icebrood enemy

Head over to Frostgorge Sound's Elder's Vale via Earthshake Waypoint [&BHoCAAA=].  You will find Garon up at the top of the area.  He will instruct you to find the heart of an Elite Icebrood, as well as where to find one.  Open your map and you will see an icon (or more) north and a tad bit west of where you are in Elder's Vale.  Much like step 3, an elite creature will show up when you get near the area.  Killing it will give you the heart.  You don't need to turn this item in.

Garon NPC | Map of NPC location

If you're lucky, you will be able to port into Drizzlewood Coasts' Forward Camp Waypoint [&BHIMAAA=] without much problem.  While staying strictly inside the cavern, head north.  You'll find Garon pretty deep in the cavern up north, but thankfully he's alone.  Speak to him and wait for the cutscene to happen.  Don't worry, no fighting occurs here.

To wrap this up, speak to Garon one last time and the Mastery Point is yours.

Collection complete

