Updated with the May 22nd, 2018 patch which introduced Grandmaster Mark Shards.
ATTENTION: As I've been reviewing/revising older posts, I noticed that there were missing pictures and slideshows. I am aware of a few other blog posts that are suffering this as well. I am doing my best to fix these asap.
This is a guide full of information that I feel people should know about when it comes to getting the most out of your time and how to “passively” go about getting ascended and legendary armor for your characters. You don’t have to follow this guide at all, but there is some useful information such as what is needed for crafting. This guide is how I do things personally when I play the game.
Q & A
Why should I get legendary armor? What’s wrong with my ascended armor?Nothing is wrong with your ascended armor. There are 2 things that set legendary armor apart from ascended armor: can swap stats at any place in time and that you can swap runes out and not lose them. Those 6 expensive runes you have there? Yeah, the 13g a pop ones? You can get those back with legendary armor, not ascended. Doing fractals and forgot that you have some pretty sweet infusions on that armor piece you just destroyed or put in the bank? You get infusions back with this armor too. With the game and metas changing, there is a good reason to get legendary armor. No point in wasting time and money crafting ascended armor just to change it when something more effective comes out. Like theorycrafting? Then this is the BEST way to do it! Honestly, I can’t think of any reason NOT to craft legendary armor.
This is just another reason to getting a legendary armor set. It shares the same concept as any legendary weapon, where you can change your stats on the go without unequipping. Super convenient if you ask me!
It takes so long to get things done. I don’t have time for that.
Sure you do. Once you get the ball rolling, it’s pretty easy to get this done “passively”. The guide below will help outline various parts of the process that I’ve been doing which doesn’t affect my time inside or outside the game. The only painful part is honestly getting the skirmish tickets because you can only get so many a week. Even if you are not successful in maximizing the amount of tickets, you are still progressing in skirmish ticket acquisition.
There was a recent update to the game which introduced Grandmaster Mark Shards. These shards are received once you complete a full pip track of bronze, silver, and gold. A total of 10 of these can be exchanged for a Grandmaster Mark of your choosing. Although, I admit these are a nice touch and can help with accelerating the acquisition of the marks, this is still not 100% optimal for getting the armor. Only reason I say that is because you can only get 3 shards a week, 10 shards for 1 mark, 3 marks for most armor pieces except for chest and legs. If you still insist on getting the armor this way, it is ideal for those who don't have the level 500 crafting unlocked.
Getting materials are soooo expensive. Why don’t I just craft ascended armor or use the ones from drops?
Firstly, see the first question and response. Secondly, getting the ascended armor from the WvW skirmish ticket vendor is the only armor (besides the PvP and the Raid route which are equally lengthy in process) that you can upgrade to legendary armor status. It costs about the same, maybe a little more, but let’s be honest….IT’S LEGENDARY ARMOR that you get in the end. The Bloodstone Fen trinkets are a great alternative to the WvW ones since the WvW ones require skirmish tickets...the very thing you are struggling to acquire each week as is. These are also just as good as a legendary counterpart, such as the backpiece which takes a LOT of skirmish tickets. One thing to note about Bloodstone Fen - you NEED to have access to Living World Season 3 Episode 1. If you don't, you can purchase for a low amount of gems.
Okay, so what about getting the materials? T6 mats are not cheap.
No, they’re not. I do have a few methods to share in order to get them easier/faster/cheaper.
This is just another reason to getting a legendary armor set. It shares the same concept as any legendary weapon, where you can change your stats on the go without unequipping. Super convenient if you ask me!
It takes so long to get things done. I don’t have time for that.
Sure you do. Once you get the ball rolling, it’s pretty easy to get this done “passively”. The guide below will help outline various parts of the process that I’ve been doing which doesn’t affect my time inside or outside the game. The only painful part is honestly getting the skirmish tickets because you can only get so many a week. Even if you are not successful in maximizing the amount of tickets, you are still progressing in skirmish ticket acquisition.
There was a recent update to the game which introduced Grandmaster Mark Shards. These shards are received once you complete a full pip track of bronze, silver, and gold. A total of 10 of these can be exchanged for a Grandmaster Mark of your choosing. Although, I admit these are a nice touch and can help with accelerating the acquisition of the marks, this is still not 100% optimal for getting the armor. Only reason I say that is because you can only get 3 shards a week, 10 shards for 1 mark, 3 marks for most armor pieces except for chest and legs. If you still insist on getting the armor this way, it is ideal for those who don't have the level 500 crafting unlocked.
Getting materials are soooo expensive. Why don’t I just craft ascended armor or use the ones from drops?
Firstly, see the first question and response. Secondly, getting the ascended armor from the WvW skirmish ticket vendor is the only armor (besides the PvP and the Raid route which are equally lengthy in process) that you can upgrade to legendary armor status. It costs about the same, maybe a little more, but let’s be honest….IT’S LEGENDARY ARMOR that you get in the end. The Bloodstone Fen trinkets are a great alternative to the WvW ones since the WvW ones require skirmish tickets...the very thing you are struggling to acquire each week as is. These are also just as good as a legendary counterpart, such as the backpiece which takes a LOT of skirmish tickets. One thing to note about Bloodstone Fen - you NEED to have access to Living World Season 3 Episode 1. If you don't, you can purchase for a low amount of gems.
Okay, so what about getting the materials? T6 mats are not cheap.
No, they’re not. I do have a few methods to share in order to get them easier/faster/cheaper.
- -Home instance. Find someone who has a nice size of it unlocked if you don’t.
- -Guild instance. Most guilds who have a guild hall should have this unlocked. If not, might want to find a guild you can join for this.
- -Traditional Mystic Forge for clovers. The RNG for the needed t6 mat can be nice, plus you get your clovers for the legendary armor crafting.
- -Pact Supply Network NPCS. I was unfortunate in finding out about this later.
- -Every day, you can get 6 Pact Scout’s Mapping Materials for 5,250 karma
- -When you need a t6 mat, go to the map that has that material as a reward. You might have to wait a week or two before it becomes available.
- -This might vary slightly depending on the guild you are representing at the time. Some guilds might have the Map Bonus rate which can expedite this a little.
- -Each one of the mapping materials yields 200 points. Do a comparison to the chart for the level of rewards and how many materials you need. It’s easy to get 100 t6 mats with such little effort.
Pact Supply Network NPC |
- -Crafting t6 mats from t5 mats (can be a little expensive since you need these mats).
- -Exchanging laurels for a Heavy Crafting bag (I’m using my laurels for my amulets, such as magic find, karma, experience, etc).
- -Currently, converting laurels into t4 bags are the best route. The return rate is 80s vs the 50s for the t6 mats.
- -Exchanging unbound magic for Magic-Warped bundles in Ehmry Bay for 1250 unbound magic and 40s each (cheapest place is Ehmry Bay silver/gold wise, not so much for unbound magic).
- -Trader merchant in your guild hall can sometimes have Heavy Crafting bags on the second tab for Guild Commendations.
- -Head to Bitterfrost Frontier to farm either berries or AFK as a Necromancer or Engineer. This gives you a LOT of unbound magic, but I never tried it.
The Process
The process that I do for getting my legendary and ascended pieces is a pretty linear process. My reasoning to this method is because once one part is done, I either don’t have to revisit it or I can give it time to build up the needed materials. Each section is what happens during each step of the process I do. There are some sections that can be worked on at the same time, just depends on what I have available at the time.- -Triumphant Armor reward track (I unlocked all of them from the start)
Ascended Armors Unlocked |
- -Gift of Battle reward track (repeat as needed)
- -Pick a grandmaster mark (armorsmith, leatherworker, tailor)
- -Start crafting (need a total of 20 for a complete set, 3 to 4 per ascended armor piece)
- -NOTE: With the latest addition of Grandmaster Mark Shards, you do not need level 500 crafting. At max, you can get 3 shards per week and exchange 10 of them for a mark of your choosing. You can obtain the exchange Box of Grandmaster Marks from the Skirmish Supervisor NPC.
![]() |
Grandmaster Mark Shard |
- -WvW as much as you can per week
- -Aim for tier 6 of 6 of Diamond
- -Max pips for week is 365
- -Exchange skirmish tickets and grandmaster marks for ascended pieces
- -Make sure you pick the stats you will be happy with for a bit. You can’t change the stats once you pick them. Technically you can, but there is an iffy situation about them not working well when crafting the legendary version of them. Proceed with caution if you do.
- -Unless money isn’t a problem, don’t put super expensive runes on this. Once you upgrade that ascended piece of armor, you lose that rune. Sure you can use an extractor but it isn’t worth it in the end.
- -See in the previous section about the Grandmaster Mark Shards.
- -Start collecting/completing the legendary parts for the legendary armor pieces
- -This step can be messy and difficult. Best way I’ve come to keeping organized is having a bank tab solely for this.
- -Keep in mind you need to craft/collect/complete each part for 6 pieces total.
- -Salvage those ascended rings and ascended armor from WvW drops! You need the materials from it.
- -When crafting your daily time-gated materials, remember to do the Glob of Elder Spirit Residue. You can end up crafting an ascended weapon in which you can then salvage for the ball of dark energy. This material can also be acquired by salvaging other ascended weapons and armors only.
- -Once you are crafting the legendary armor pieces, you can start crafting more grandmaster marks.
- -This can be tricky. I finished crafting all pieces of my legendary armor components except for the skirmish tickets mostly.
- -Put legendary completion first. Grandmaster mark crafting should always be second.
- -I don’t craft the parts of my grandmaster marks that require the t6 mats until I have all of the Gifts of Condensed Might and Magic done. If I get to the point where I can finish my next set of grandmaster marks, then I will sacrifice the 6 of each t6 mat to finish that. Since it takes so long to make the other parts of the grandmaster marks due to time-gated crafted materials, I have yet to run into this problem where I will suffer from such a choice.
- -Continue completing the legendary armor pieces every 3 to 4 weeks
- -Congratulate yourself for completing a legendary armor piece
- -Bloodstone Fen reward track (Remember that you need to have access to Bloodstone Fen)
- -Do this track to get 50 blood rubies upon completion
- -Go to Bloodstone Fen to exchange the rubies for the backpiece, rings, and amulet
- -These can be stat reset (pre PoF stats) for only 100 unbound magic
- -Great to use for a placeholder until you are free to spend skirmish tickets for the WvW versions (rings, amulet, and accessories)
- -Will have to get accessories elsewhere that do not have stat reset options (besides WvW, PvP, and Fractals), but pretty good deal for little work.
- -Backpiece: 200 blood rubies + 5,000 unbound magic
- -Rings: 100 blood rubies each + 2,000 unbound magic each
- -Make sure to have one ring infused or attuned. If not, you can’t equip a second.
- -I choose going with attuned because it’s cheaper and easier to acquire without any type of sacrifice (unless you do Fractals, then it might be easier to go infused)
- -1 Blood Ruby Band
- -1 Agonize Essence
- -24s for this inside Fractals lobby
- -Need to have t2 of Fractal Attunement track unlocked in your Central Tyria mastery track.
- -1 +1 Agony Infusion
- -1 Philosopher’s Stone
- -Infused for you Fractals goers
- -1 Blood Ruby Band
- -1 Shard of Crystallized Mists Essence
- -3 Globs of Coagulated Mists Essence
- -5 Vials of Condensed Mists Essence
- -Pendant: 125 blood rubies + 3,000 unbound magic
- -Will need unbound magic for trade as well
- -Get unbound magic gathering tools
- -Gemstore or Bitterfrost Frontier (maybe other maps have them too) Grawl heart for karma exchange (Brakbrak Ice Snarl is the area, just north of the center/main waypoint).
- -Bitterfrost Frontier has a berry route that you can pursue as well as AFK farming as a Necromancer or Engineer.
- -Slow accumulation of unbound magic can be from farming a home instance that has these nodes.
- -Each karma exchanged gathering tool costs 4,900 karma.
This is for crafting the legendary armor pieces. Keep in mind that you will need to craft time gated ectoplasm refinement.- -Level 500 Armorsmith, Leatherworker, or Tailor (whichever you want to craft into legendary armor)
- -Level 400 or 500 Artificer, Huntsman, or Weaponsmith (the 400 is for the Gifts, 450 for the daily cooldowns, and the 500 is for the Cube of Stabilized Dark Energy)
NOTE: With the latest addition of Grandmaster Mark Shards, the crafting to 500 is no longer needed, but I still highly recommend having. Each week can give you a maximum of 3 shards, which 10 can be exchanged for a mark of your choosing. Please know that all armor pieces, except for chest and legs, only require 3 marks to obtain. If anything, these shards help accelerate the armor piece acquisition.
Below is a list that is broken down by levels, with a total at each level of a specific item. This list is for crafting a generalized grandmaster mark.
- -1 Carbonized Mithrillium Ingot
- -10 iron ingots
- -3 iron ore per ingot/ 30 iron ore total
- -5 steel ingots
- -3 iron ore per ingot/ 30 iron ore total
- -1 lump of coal per ingot/ 5 lumps total
- -10 darksteel ingots
- -1 lump of primordium per ingot/ 10 lumps total
- -2 platinum ore per ingot/ 20 platinum ore total
- -1 lump of mithrillium
- -50 mithril ingots per lump
- -2 mithril ore per ingot/ 100 mithril ore total
- -1 glob of ectoplasm
- -10 thermocatalytic reagents
- -1 Square of Vabbian Silk
- -10 bolts of wool
- -2 wool scraps per bolt/ 20 wool scraps total
- -5 bolts of cotton
- -2 cotton scraps per bolt/ 10 cotton scraps total
- -10 bolts of linen
- -2 linen scraps per bolt/ 20 linen scraps total
- -1 spool of silk weaving thread
- -100 bolts of silk
- -3 silk scraps per bolt/ 300 silk scraps total
- -1 glob of ectoplasm
- -25 spools of gossamer thread
- -1 Blended Leather Sheet
- -10 cured thin leather squares
- -2 thin leather sections per square/ 20 thin leather sections total
- -5 cured coarse leather squares
- -2 coarse leather sections per square/ 10 coarse leather sections total
- -10 cured rugged leather squares
- -2 rugged leather sections per square/ 20 rugged leather sections total
- -1 spool of thick elonian cord
- -50 cured thick leather squares
- -4 thick leather sections per square/ 200 thick leather sections total
- -1 glob of ectoplasm
- -10 thermocatalytic reagents
- -1 Empowered Mithril Ingot (level 500 Armorsmith)
- -1 glob of dark matter
- -1 vial of might
- -1 vicious fang
- -1 armored scale
- -1 vicious claw
- -1 ancient bone
- -1 vial of magic
- -1 vial of powerful blood
- -1 powerful venom sac
- -1 elaborate totem
- -1 pile of crystalline dust
- -150 mithril ingots
- -2 mithril ore per ingot/ 300 mithril ore total
- -1 Empowered Cured Thick Leather Square (level 500 Leatherworker)
- -1 glob of dark matter
- -1 vial of might
- -1 vicious fang
- -1 armored scale
- -1 vicious claw
- -1 ancient bone
- -1 vial of magic
- -1 vial of powerful blood
- -1 powerful venom sac
- -1 elaborate totem
- -1 pile of crystalline dust
- -60 cured thick leather squares
- -4 thick leather sections per square/ 200 thick leather sections total
- -1 Bolt of Empowered Silk (level 500 Tailor)
- -1 glob of dark matter
- -1 vial of might
- -1 vicious fang
- -1 armored scale
- -1 vicious claw
- -1 ancient bone
- -1 vial of magic
- -1 vial of powerful blood
- -1 powerful venom sac
- -1 elaborate totem
- -1 pile of crystalline dust
- -150 bolt of silk
- -3 silk scraps per bolt/ 450 silk scraps total
An image of a Grandmaster Tailor’s Mark |
- -Heavy armor
- -2 carbonized mithrillium ingots
- -1 square of vabbian silk
- -1 blended leather sheet
- -1 empowered mithril ingot
- -Medium armor
- -1 carbonized mithrillium ingot
- -1 square of vabbian silk
- -1 blended leather sheet
- -1 empowered cured thick leather square
- -Light armor
- -1 carbonized mithrillium ingot
- -2 squares of vabbian silk
- -1 blended leather sheet
- -1 bolt of empowered silk
Total Material List
Heavy Armor SetAscended Armor | Legendary Armor |
720 iron ore 60 lump of coal 60 lump of primordium 240 platinum ore 1200 mithril ore 12 glob of ectoplasm 120 thermocatalytic reagents | 6 gifts of battle 90 mystic clovers 600 t6 mats each 1500 t5 mats each 300 t4 mats each 300 t3 mats each |
120 wool scraps 60 cotton scraps 120 linen scraps 1800 silk scraps 6 glob of ectoplasm 150 spools of gossamer thread | 6570 skirmish tickets 300 spirit shards 300 obsidian shards 6 balls of dark energy 450 stabilizing matrices |
120 thin leather sections 60 coarse leather sections 120 rugged leather sections 1200 thick leather sections 6 glob of ectoplasm 60 thermocatalytic reagents | 3000 badges of honor 600 spirit shards 1500 proofs of heroics or testimonies of heroics 1500 memories of battle |
6 glob of dark matter 6 vicious fang 6 armored scale 6 vicious claw 6 ancient bone 6 vial of powerful blood 6 powerful venom sac 6 elaborate totem 6 pile of crystalline dust 1800 mithril ore | All of the ascended armor materials |
Medium Armor Set
Ascended Armor | Legendary Armor |
360 iron ore 30 lump of coal 30 lump of primordium 120 platinum ore 600 mithril ore 6 glob of ectoplasm 60 thermocatalytic reagents | 6 gifts of battle 90 mystic clovers 600 t6 mats each 1500 t5 mats each 300 t4 mats each 300 t3 mats each |
120 wool scraps 60 cotton scraps 120 linen scraps 1800 silk scraps 6 glob of ectoplasm 150 spools of gossamer thread | 6570 skirmish tickets 300 spirit shards 300 obsidian shards 6 balls of dark energy 450 stabilizing matrices |
120 thin leather sections 60 coarse leather sections 120 rugged leather sections 1200 thick leather sections 6 glob of ectoplasm 60 thermocatalytic reagents | 3000 badges of honor 600 spirit shards 1500 proofs of heroics or testimonies of heroics 1500 memories of battle |
6 glob of dark matter 6 vicious fang 6 armored scale 6 vicious claw 6 ancient bone 6 vial of powerful blood 6 powerful venom sac 6 elaborate totem 6 pile of crystalline dust 1200 thick leather sections | All of the ascended armor materials |
Light Armor Set
Ascended Armor | Legendary Armor |
360 iron ore 30 lump of coal 30 lump of primordium 120 platinum ore 600 mithril ore 6 glob of ectoplasm 60 thermocatalytic reagents | 6 gifts of battle 90 mystic clovers 600 t6 mats each 1500 t5 mats each 300 t4 mats each 300 t3 mats each |
240 wool scraps 120 cotton scraps 240 linen scraps 3600 silk scraps 12 glob of ectoplasm 300 spools of gossamer thread | 6570 skirmish tickets 300 spirit shards 300 obsidian shards 6 balls of dark energy 450 stabilizing matrices |
120 thin leather sections 60 coarse leather sections 120 rugged leather sections 1200 thick leather sections 6 glob of ectoplasm 60 thermocatalytic reagents | 3000 badges of honor 600 spirit shards 1500 proofs of heroics or testimonies of heroics 1500 memories of battle |
6 glob of dark matter 6 vicious fang 6 armored scale 6 vicious claw 6 ancient bone 6 vial of powerful blood 6 powerful venom sac 6 elaborate totem 6 pile of crystalline dust 2700 silk scraps | All of the ascended armor materials |
Assembly with Color Coded Guide
This is based off of the wiki page. I’m going to differentiate the parts that I save for last due to the various processes that are going on at all times.Here are some images of the vendors in WvW that have parts that you need to acquire for this part:
Colored coded guide:
(super easy to achieve, mediocre in achievability, pain in the ass to complete, please kill me now)
Example of my bank slot tab thing:

I know that the above looks like a lot of information and it can be a lot to take in. Trust me, it’s a lot easier than it looks.
- -Gift of War Prosperity
- -Gift of Battle (Gift of Battle reward track)
- -15 Mystic Clovers (login rewards, mystic forged, and reward tracks)
- -Gift of Condensed Might
- -Gift of Fangs
- -100 Vicious Fangs
- -250 Large Fangs
- -50 Sharp Fangs
- -50 Fangs
- -Gift of Scales
- -100 Armored Scales
- -250 Large Scales
- -50 Smooth Scales
- -50 Scales
- -Gift of Claws
- -100 Vicious Claws
- -250 Large Claws
- -50 Sharp Claws
- -50 Claws
- -Gift of Bones
- -100 Ancient Bones
- -250 Large Bones
- -50 Heavy Bones
- -50 Bones
- -Gift of Condensed Magic
- -Gift of Blood
- -100 Vials of Powerful Blood
- -250 Vials of Potent Blood
- -50 Vials of Thick Blood
- -50 Vials of Blood
- -Gift of Venom
- -100 Powerful Venom Sacs
- -250 Potent Venom Sacs
- -50 Full Venom Sacs
- -50 Venom Sacs
- -Gift of Totems
- -100 Elaborate Totems
- -250 Intricate Totems
- -50 Engraved Totems
- -50 Totems
- -Gift of Dust
- -100 Piles of Crystalline Dust
- -250 Piles of Incandescent Dust
- -50 Piles of Luminous Dust
- -50 Piles of Radiant Dust
- -Gift of War Prowess
- -Legendary War Insight (purchased from War Razor in WvW)
- -1,095 skirmish tickets
- -Eldritch Scroll (purchased from Miyani at the Mystic Forge)
- -50 spirit shards
- -50 Obsidian Shards (honestly, so many ways….even the reward tracks give these)
- -Cube of Stabilized Dark Energy (the reason why you need to salvage ascended things)
- -1 Ball of Dark Energy (armor and weapons only)
- -75 Stabilizing Matrices (rings give these)
- -Gift of War Dedication (all but the Memories of Battle are purchased from War Razor in WvW)
- -Certificate of Honor
- -500 Badges of Honor
- -Glob of Condensed Spirit Energy
- -100 Spirit Shards
- -Certificate of Heroics
- -250 Proofs of Heroics or 250 Testimonies of Heroics
- -250 Memories of Battle
- -An ascended Triumphant armor piece (purchased from the skirmish supervisor in WvW)
Example of my bank slot tab thing:
Reward Tracks
There are a few reward tracks that you need to do for this. It’s up to you of how you go about doing it, but I will outline what ones and why you need to do them.- -Triumphant Armor
- -Each completed cycle gives you an exotic armor piece to become unlocked. In doing so, you are unlocking the ascended counterpart which takes various amounts of skirmish tickets per piece.
- -For a full set of ascended armor, it takes 1,310 skirmish tickets, 13g, 20 grandmaster marks, and 1500 memories of battle (luckily you can buy the memories of battle off the trading post).
- -Gift of Battle
- -Each completed cycle gives you a gift of battle which is needed per piece of legendary armor.
- -This track is also great for getting some crafting mats, such as mystic clovers and obsidian shards.
- -For a full set of legendary armor, you will need to have completed this 6 times (unless you have some laying around pre-reward track days).
- -Bloodstone Fen
Guild Hall Buff NPC |
I know that the above looks like a lot of information and it can be a lot to take in. Trust me, it’s a lot easier than it looks.
- -Maximum pips a week from WvW
- -Farm a home instance daily
- -Farm a guild hall instance daily
- -Visit all 6 pact supply network agents daily
- -Craft time-gated materials daily
- -Stay on top of your WvW reward tracks
In doing these 6 things listed above, you will be getting things done without grinding out results. There will be times where you might have to buy some parts, but it won’t be as expensive if you just flat out buy parts without any passive effort.